Our Policies and Procedures
At The Hills Montessori, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence, and our Policies and Procedures stand as the cornerstone guiding decisions across all seven Quality Areas outlined by ACEQA. These comprehensive policies ensure a holistic and high-quality early childhood education and care experience for every child entrusted to our care. For specific details pertaining to any of our Policies and Procedures, we invite you to get in touch with us.
Quality Area 1: Educational Program and Practice
Focuses on the design and implementation of an engaging and developmentally appropriate
educational program. This includes planning, documentation, and evaluation of activities
that support each child’s learning and development.
Quality Area 2: Children’s Health and Safety
Quality Area 1: Educational Program and Practice
Focuses on the design and implementation of an engaging and developmentally appropriate
educational program. This includes planning, documentation, and evaluation of activities
that support each child’s learning and development.
Quality Area 3: Physical Environment

Quality Area 4: Staffing Arrangements
Quality Area 5: Relationships with Children
Quality Area 6: Collaborative Partnerships with Families and Communities
Highlights the importance of fostering strong partnerships between the service, families, and
the broader community. It involves open communication, shared decision-making, and
involving families in their child’s learning journey.
Quality Area 5: Relationships with Children
Quality Area 7: Governance and Leadership
Relates to the effective management and leadership of the service. This includes governance structures, policies and procedures, continuous improvement processes, and fostering a positive organizational culture.